Hollywood and most of the Democrat Party are In some kind of Satanic Group. This ranges from sex trafficking of children to even enslave adults, to worship of Satan. Don’t believe me watch some of the videos found of those sick people. I can’t even begin to tell all in this post. Take time and figure out what’s really going on why the borders are open to Harris losing over 300,000 children that came the fence. It’s not just this but drugs, money laundering for their evil deeds to one world order. They want Us, the right, Christians, or anyone one with common sense to be gone or slaves to their new created world.
It’s time to wake up and look around you and see what the heck is really going on in America. 🇺🇸
Video #1:
If you want to see more go to my Rumble channel banned videos and look around……..
My Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=Kimvan67%20banned%20videos
Not only is Hollywood in their back pocket read below in outline in 1-3.
- The Democrats are masters of emotional manipulation, and have been for over 200 years. They also have been able to ensure that they have people in nearly every single occupation/large corporation and institution around the planet, and know how to spot ignorant and easily manipulable people who they can use for their goals.
- Most people in Hollyweird and college don’t have much experience outside their bubbles, or have been raised to follow “listen and believe for we are truth” line. This is also why college is such a large recruitment ground for them.
- Lastly, most “celebrities” are narcissists, so their ideologies line up pretty closely. The rare exception for this is when they either come from Conservative homes and families, or when they don’t live full time in California (Chris Pratt and Chris Hemsworth being examples here).
Celebrities like to remain popular and like to be seen as role models. Without their fans, their livelihood is at risk. It is well known fact that majority of followers are young and impressionable. Most of college goers are liberals due to their academic environment, and these are the target audience.
So what is the best way to attract these unsuspecting bunch of young kids ? Give them what they want, show them that you are one among them. Display virtue. It is easy to see through their double speak and hypocrisy though. For example Streep did not come out against Roman Polanski who was an actual rapist, rather stood and applauded when he got his award. An Iranian director’s Oscar speech speaking about oppression of Executive order, when his own country is source of global terrorism and oppresses its own. Celebrities wanting to go to Canada if Trump becomes President, but not to Mexico, where they want immigrants to come from. Similarly celebrities asking for open borders when they themselves live with bodyguards and high walls.
They are no liberals. All you can say is that they are bunch of double speaking hypocrites, who cannot walk the talk.