So, we understand manifest evil in the world. We understand there’s a battle between good and evil. We as the children of God have been made new creations, and we love righteousness, and we are set against a world that is bent on evil at a level that has never been seen before because evil men get worse and worse through history, as the Bible says. We understand what we see and what we know and what we experience.
The Coming Demonic Invasion
I think we all understand the evil that exists in the world. We’re seeing it at a level like we have never seen in our lifetime before in this sort of post-Christian, anti-Christian time of corruption. We are seeing an entire society, an entire globe catapult headlong into gross kinds of corruption and immorality at every level, and the powers that be supporting all of that and taking aim at those who are righteous in the culture. This is exactly what Isaiah talked about in chapter 5 when he said, “Bitter has replaced sweet, and everything is upside-down and inside-out and overturned. The things that we always consider to be good are now considered as evil, and the things that were evil are now good.”