Christopher Emery’s documentary reveals the extent of prosecutor Merrick Garland’s coconspiracy in the OKC bombing coverup.
After years of investigation, film producer Christopher Emery created the documentary “A Noble Lie” about the government’s false flag or black op, the Oklahoma City bombing. His research revealed that ATF employees (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) whose offices were in the Murrah Building were notified on their pagers prior to the bombing not to show up at work. Nor were any of their children that day in the building’s daycare center.
McVeigh had been an employee of the CIA, a sharpshooting assassin, much decorated for his talent. He had also been assigned to covert government drug cartel operations. His last commendation came while he was awaiting execution. He was given 2 million dollars in cash by his employers, who stole it back after the bombing as they simultaneously notified the Justice Department of McVeigh’s whereabouts.
Like Lee Harvey Oswald assigned to be in Dallas in the CIA assassination of President Kennedy, McVeigh was employed by the CIA. When Jim Garrison, New Orleans district attorney, asked the CIA in 1964 for records of Oswald’s employment, he was told they were destroyed accidentally in the copier. Oswald with the CIA
was assigned to infiltrate leftwing groups. McVeigh was assigned to infiltrate militia groups. The 911 black op’s mission was to create an excuse for the invasion of Afghanistan 6 weeks later. McVeigh’s mission was an excuse for the government’s crackdown on right-wing militia groups.
Emery gives documentation that the explosion could not have come from an exterior truck bomb, since debris was blown out from and not into the building.
Patrolman Terrance Yeakey, a first responder who arrived within 10 minutes, saved several lives. Yeakey, with detective skills, amassed bombing evidence and refused to go along with the official lie and was therefore intimidated and attacked.
If there had been an exterior ammonium nitrate bomb, it would have been impossible to breathe the air. This was not true.
A year after the bombing, and shortly before he was to start work at the FBI, Yeakey was brutally murdered, although his death was ruled a suicide. For this to be true, however, Yeakey would have had to cut his wrists and neck before leaving and locking his car. He would then have had to climb a barbed-wire fence, walk more than a mile through a field, and then shoot himself through the head at an unusual angle. No gun was found. No investigation was conducted.’ The New York Times participated in the false story that Yeakey killed himself.” See the Truth And Shadows link.
Merrick Garland was the Justice Department prosecutor of McVeigh who denied McVeigh access to the media, who successfully petitioned for the sealing of over 100 records, who denied OKC bombing witnesses their right to testify to the grand jury, and who arranged one of the hastiest executions in the 21st Century, a mere 5 years after the bombing. Thus achieved a permanent silencing of McVeigh. Hillary Clinton has supported his nomination and continues to lie about the 911 black op and the alleged murder of Osama Bin Laden. (OBL had died long before that.) 30 Navy Seals in the operation were murdered in a helicopter crash afterward.
Oklahoma City media were complicit.
a. In April 1995, the Omnibus Counter Terrorism Bill was being pushed through Congress. After the OKC Bombing occurred, it passed easily.
b. At 9 am, the Murrah building ATF office was empty, which was unprecedented.
c. General Benton K. Partin, USAF (Ret.) stated in his OKC Bombing report to US Congress that bombs inside the building and not a truck bomb were the major factor in the destruction.
1. The ATF was already putting out a story that the Murrah Building was bombed “because of Waco” a few hours after the blast and before McVeigh was apprehended.
2. An unexploded bomb was found attached to a gas line inside the building, and a FEMA memo reports at least two additional bombs were found in the Murrah Building. Joe Harp, based on his military explosives experience, identified the additional bombs he saw removed from the building as being military in nature.
3 Oklahoma Congressman Ernest Istook told a victim in a taped conversation in 1995 that the OKC bombing was a failed national security operation that used an FBI provocateur associated with a militia.
4. Prior to the OKC bombing US Senator Arlan Specter as well as Clinton’s NSC director Anthony Lake had been advocating federal national security operations to stop militias in America. Anthony Lake gave a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the Fall of 1994 in which he said the chief cornerstone of government policy was to “pit our society against militias”.
I read many stories on this, and with an open mind I believe it is very possible.